Continuous Open Bidding


What is Continuous Open Bidding?

In addition to Primary Recruitment, LSU Panhellenic also has an informal recruitment process known as Continuous Open Bidding. Continuous Open Bidding (COB) begins after the conclusion of Primary Recruitment and continues throughout the academic year. COB is recommended for anyone who chooses not to participate in Primary Recruitment or did not match to a chapter during Primary Recruitment. COB offers women the opportunity to participate in Greek life and join a sorority through a casual recruitment process. 

When is Fall COB?

The Continuous Open Bidding process may begin after participating chapters re-evaluate total number of members. COB style recruitment will open on Bid Day, August 21st. Please follow our Instagram for the most up to date information.

Which Chapters Participate?

Not every chapter on LSU’s campus will participate in COB. The intent of COB is to provide maximum opportunities for membership to the greatest number of chapters possible. Chapters under median chapter size have the opportunity to recruit up to total. After re-evaluation in the spring and a chapter’s size is not at capacity, those chapters have an opportunity to participate in COB to recruit up to total. You can expect 6-7 of our chapters to participate.

How Does It Work?

Since COB is a very informal process, it is up to the chapters to decide how they want to recruit new members. This may look like lunch at the house, a coffee date, or an invite to a sisterhood event on campus. COB recruitment looks different chapter to chapter. No matter the event, every interaction is fun, relaxed, and a great way to know sitting chapter members.

Who Can Participate?

Any woman at Louisiana State University who meets the following criteria is eligible to participate in COB.

  1. Enrolled as a full time student at LSU

  2. Has never been initiated into a sorority on LSU’s campus or any other college campus

  3. Has never signed a Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement (MRABA)

Do I Have to Register?

No! You do not have to register for COB in order to be eligible to join a chapter. The interest form will be available here, at the top of this page, when COB is happening. This form is sent to participating chapters so they can know who is interested!

How is COB Unique?

COB gives potential new members a greater control over the recruitment process. Although not all chapters will be participating in COB, there is no formal registration, no required events, and no voting. A PNM does not have to attend COB events. She can withdraw herself from the process with any chapter before receiving a bid and signing a Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement (MRABA) and can be offered a bid to a chapter between the dates of January 23rd and April 9th. If primary recruitment did not work out or you are looking for a more informal recruitment process to get to know participating chapters on a deeper level, this is a perfect way to become a member of the LSU Panhellenic Community!