Continuous Open Bidding


What is Continuous Open Bidding?

In addition to Primary Recruitment before the start of the fall semester, LSU Panhellenic helps chapters facilitate an informal recruitment process known as Continuous Open Bidding, or C.O.B. During Primary Recruitment, 12 of our 13 chapters actively recruit members during structured, formal rounds. After the 12 chapters have extended bids at the close of Primary Recruitment and the potential new members accept these bids, chapters reevaluate the membership total, or the number of women they can have in their chapter at once. If a chapter finds itself below the chapter total at the close of Primary Recruitment, they can participate in the C.O.B. process and extend bids to women who participated in Primary Recruitment but were not offered a bid. At the beginning of each spring semester, all 13 chapters reset their member quota. Those below total may choose to participate in C.O.B. While Sigma Alpha, our affiliate chapter, does not participate in Primary Recruitment, they can participate in C.O.B. The C.O.B. process in the spring may also be referred to, by some women, as Spring Rush/Spring Recruitment.

Who can participate in C.O.B.?

Women are eligible to participate in the C.O.B. process if they have met the following requirements: enrolled as a full-time student at LSU, have never been initiated into a sorority on LSU’s campus or any other college campus, and were not offered a bid during the most recent Primary Recruitment (signed the MRABA, but was not extended a bid).

How do I express interest in joining a chapter through C.O.B.?

Women can express interest in several different ways. Filling out the C.O.B. interest form is not required, but it does ensure that all participating chapters have access to your information and are aware that you are interested. The answers from the form are collected by the Panhellenic Council and distributed to participating chapters. From there, the individual chapters are at liberty to reach out to whomever they would like to. You can also express interest by contacting a chapter or chapter member directly, or a chapter may reach out to you without you contacting them first. No matter how you express interest, you are not guaranteed to be contacted by a chapter or offered a bid. You can be reached out to by multiple chapters or none.

How is C.O.B. different from Primary Recruitment?

C.O.B. should not be viewed as a second chance at Primary Recruitment. In Primary Recruitment, 12 chapters are recruiting and looking to take in a full new member class. During C.O.B., typically 2-3 chapters are looking for a much smaller number of women. C.O.B. is an option for women who found that Primary Recruitment was not for them or would prefer a more informal process. Instead of structured rounds like Primary Recruitment, a chapter member may reach out and offer to get lunch or coffee with you.

How will I know what chapters are participating?

It is up to the individual chapters to decide if they would like to advertise their involvement in the C.O.B. process. While some may choose to make that information public, others will not. Filling out the form is the best way to make sure all the chapters that have chosen to participate can see that you are interested!