Kappa Delta  

Epsilon Chapter


About Kappa Delta:

President: Ansley Plank

Recruitment Chair: Emory Friend

Philanthropy: Girl Scouts of the USA/Prevent Child Abuse America

Chapter Values: Friendship & loyalty, personal integrity, and selfless service. These values were created by our founders to help each Kappa Delta woman become the best version of herself.

Chapter Motto/Mission Statement: Let us strive for that which is honorable, beautiful, and highest.

Is a letter of Recommendation Required?: No

Is a letter of Recommendation Accepted?: Yes

What is Kappa Delta’s Current Legacy Status?: A legacy is any woman who is the daughter, granddaughter, or sister of an initiated Kappa Delta member in good standing – including half and step relatives! It is important to note that being a KD legacy does not guarantee an invitation or membership.

Preferred Email for community contact: kdepsilonrecs@gmail.com